.the human comedy.

This is a blog of whatever I feel the need to put on the internet, whatever goes through my head that I feel like typing. Please comment if you read. Comments are my life force.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

I dreamt a dream

The reasent confusion over this blog post is quite irritating. I want to let everyone know, this post was about Brittany, Not Shelby. The day after this post shelby broke up with me. I hope this explains. Please, post a comment to whatever is written here, not what you think something may have refrence to in the real world. This is a fictional blog, I am an author.
Thanks, Holden

I heard you don't dream when you have some drinks, Well I did. Maybe, In this dream I dreamt about all the things I'm too afraid to dream about sober, even my sober subconscious is afraid to tell me about. I loose inhibitions easily.

Last Night I drank with my boys. Jeff, my brother, and my military cousin Scott It was his welcome-home party-ish. I drank 5 beers, the 4th pretty fast because I knew I'd be awake, alone. After everyone was lying down I got my last one, and I laid and stared at a wall and thought about things that I'm supposed to forget.

It was then that I finally cried. The first in probably more than a month. Its terrible, I hate this. I'm so dry. But my single tear on my left cheek was an incredible commodity. I was thinking "If she would let me make her smile again... If I could just kiss her face. She would know... She would know and everything would be right. I know she would remember. She has to think about it, doesn't she?"
So here I am, drinking alone, enjoying the frustration of my sadness and I cant forget things from more than a year ago. I swear, I want to but I cant do it. Her eyes and the way I'd hold her neck and feel her hair and kiss her cheek. The way she would tip her head back and let her eyes close soft so I could kiss her neck and love her. I'm sorry I remember.

In my dream we are standing around somewhere.... Some place like the highschool caf. But bigger. I saw her with some people, like she always is. I waved to her and she left them and come over to me like she used to, like I was beautiful and she was for me. But then she said "I hate you" I cant recall if she was ever really that blunt with everything. Oh well.

she walks away, I ask if I can fallow. "I guess" she says, which is the thing she does when she acts angry, but still has hope for me. I think. (I'm realizing that maybe I didn't know her at all, and that was the whole problem.)

I walk with her, telling her those things that I was thinking to myself earlier. Girls like when they are remembered right. Are longings Hot? I want that, I want to be thought about, just one night in some girls bed, I want to be thought about there.

Anyway, she let me kiss her. Then she cried, saying I'm sorry that I was so distant, I'm sorry I wasted so much of our time. I'm sorry. I kiss her again, on the mouth this time she just smiles and holds me closer. For some reason then, people see us. People who don't want us together. So I tell her, that I love her but I have to go. She can come with me but I have got to go. She runs with me.... We find some way out of this big building we are in, but mostly all I can think about is her face because she smiles like the beautiful running women in the movies. The rebellion scene.

We get out, and we tell each other how much we love each other and Kiss in an ally. Some how her hair is wet. I think I thought it that way because michigan's adventure is one of my best memories of her. (I haven't been back yet) She was beautiful, and golden looking while the sunset hit her skin.

So anyway, more people started chasing us. We would escape and there would be more, and every time it was harder and harder to get away and be happy. But For every time we got better it was a million times more beautiful then the last time. We kept going on like this, till we just could do it any longer, just like our relationship. Finally we stood like we did when we stood in her kitchen and we officially "broke up" she kissed me and let go of my hands like she did before. And she took her little baby-steps backwards just like in the kitchen. I stood there, and let the monsters take me up. All I could see the tearful/sparkling look in her eyes as I woke up from the nightmare and all the enemies darkness over took me.
I woke up with the collar of my shirt wet, the hottest I had ever been in a dream.
If anyone took the time to read this please let me know what you think.


At Saturday, February 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's so complex.

At Saturday, February 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it twas beautiful... my dreams are never so elaberate... wish they were. the question is how do you feel about your dream? you should really post more often...

At Saturday, February 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm near to tears over here.
I don't even know what to say. Goodness...Aaron, you know she still loves you, even if she can't be around you all the time. And trust me, she does think about you, and probably mostly when she lays down to sleep. I know because I have been there before.
All you can do is look to the future, and know that you will be together and it's not THAT far away. Let the anticipation keep you on your toes, and you should always be smiling, you never know when she might see you.

I don't think I know anyone more in love with anyone else then you are in love with her. It's beautiful.

At Saturday, February 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm near to tears over here.
I don't even know what to say. Goodness...Aaron, you know she still loves you, even if she can't be around you all the time. And trust me, she does think about you, and probably mostly when she lays down to sleep. I know because I have been there before.
All you can do is look to the future, and know that you will be together and it's not THAT far away. Let the anticipation keep you on your toes, and you should always be smiling, you never know when she might see you.

I don't think I know anyone more in love with anyone else then you are in love with her. It's beautiful.

At Sunday, February 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i go to bed everynight hoping that just one (specific) person has gone to bed thinking about me, and when i awake from those dreams (because i have them, too) all i can do is lay there and breathe and cry as silently possible so as to not wake the man next to me...
not the person in my dream. i dreamed the other night that i flew to san diego and we kissed as soon as he stepped off of the ship, like in some old war movie.

i want to be an old war movie...the heroine this time, not the enemy.

love you, aaron. i'm star-struck.

At Sunday, February 27, 2005, Blogger Holden.a said...

thanks for reading my posts. I'll type if you'll read. and excuse my sappiness. i do have one request though, please use the other feild and put in your name, or get a blogger, its way cooler than xanga and livejournal.

At Sunday, February 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like posting as an anonymous...makes a little mysterious. ;)

At Sunday, February 27, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got her in your pocket
And there's no way out now
Put it in the safe and lock it
'cause it's at home sweet home

Nobody ever told you that it was the wrong way
To trick a woman, make her feel she did it her way
And you'll be there if she ever feels blue
And you'll be there when she feels someone new
What to do
Well you know

You keep her in your pocket
Where there's no way out now
Put it in a safe a lock it
'cause it's home sweet home

The smile on your face made her think she had the right one
Then she thought she was sure
By the way you two could have fun
But now you're scared
You think she's running away
You search in your hand for something clever to say
Don't go away
'cause I want

To keep you in my pocket
Where there's no way out now
Put it in a safe a lock it
'cause it's home sweet home

***And in your own mind
You know your're lucky just to know her
And in the beginning all you wanted was to show her***
But now she might leave
Like she's threatened before
Grab hold of her fast
Before her feet leave the floor
And she's out the door
'cause you want

To keep her in your pocket
you really messed it up this time buddy.
ya really messed it up.

At Tuesday, March 01, 2005, Blogger Holden.a said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At Tuesday, March 01, 2005, Blogger Holden.a said...

I don't have any friends who are white stripes fans, so I dont value any opinion you may have.
Please leave my blog alone.

At Tuesday, March 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

first off enough with the lyrics to a shitty ass white stripes song! ohh that song really got the point across... ohh wait no, it just really fuckin blew! and secondly you have no idea what the hell you are talking about... so i don't think you're input or your opinon is very highly regarded.


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